2005-05-18 Next release available for download

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2005-05-18 Next release available for download

Post by Carsten » 2008-01-15, 14:39

The Win32 packages of the next major release of Ca3DE are finally available for download!

After both the new demo and the new MDK have undergone intensive testing by a great and dedicated team of volunteers, I've just uploaded the relevant files to the Ca3DE Download site and mirrors.
This completes a long, thorough, and highly interesting and educative period of development since the last public release, yielding the best and most sophisticated Ca3D-Engine ever.

Over the next few days, I'll update the website with the new information about the latest release, as especially the "Features" site needs a thorough update to cover all the new aspects that come with the new code and artwork.

When that is done (probably near the end of the week), I'll publicly announce the new version and send out press releases.

A lot of hard work was spent to create this new release, and I'm very grateful to everyone who contributed. :)

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