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Normal Maps

Posted: 2004-10-13, 22:30
by Shadow
i need to have like a courragated material like corrigated steel, kinda like a ribbed look. i dont want to model this. would normal maps work for this?

Posted: 2004-10-13, 23:53
by Carsten
Yes, I think so.
Have you had a look into the textures that come with the current Ca3DE demo? Do they help? Anything specific that you have in mind?
Kai is the real expert on this, but he's currently occupied with important real-life issues for a while. ;)

Posted: 2004-10-14, 01:06
by Shadow
yes i have looked at kai's textures. i need something to use as a hyper ball tube texture. i will try and find something to use and figure out this stuff on my own. if i cant i will post screens to show what i need. when you look at a normal mapped surface from the side do u actually see the varriations or just lighting effects are altered?

Posted: 2004-10-14, 05:48
by Shadow
after trying it out it looks fine just looking at it. but if from an angle at all it looks really odd cause it looks ribbed but then the edge is not... so i think i will partially model the ribbed effect and then use the normal mapping to fill in the fine details. screenshots coming in a bit