Looking for GUI themes

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Looking for GUI themes

Post by Carsten » 2007-10-18, 16:32

Hi all,

while preparing the upcoming Ca3DE release, it becomes more and more obvious that we need a nice "theme" for the Ca3DE in-game GUIs.

For example, look at a few GUIs from Doom3, e.g. at http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3127
Their GUIs have a few nice graphical elements, e.g. for the backgrounds and window frames.

:idea: Something like that is also needed for Ca3DE! :idea:

Well, my suggestion is to not reinvent the wheel, but to look for website or desktop (WinXP, Linux gnome or KDE, ...) themes that are nice and suitable.
Among all posted suggestions/candidates, we might pick a "winner" that is "ported" for use with Ca3DE GUIs. I would of course contact the author first, explain the situation and intentions, and ask for his or her permission.

As a first step, I'd like to ask and encourage you to post links to any theme that you think should be considered!!

Note: I should add that the most urgently required items are GUIs of the "Call Lift" and "Open Door" variety. Nonetheless, the themes that are to be considered should ideally be flexible enough to also work with other kinds of GUIs... Anyways, just post your suggestions, I'd love to hear them! :up:
Best regards,
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