Windows 7 nmake not found

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Windows 7 nmake not found

Post by DiViNiTY » 2010-04-27, 15:31


i have now a clean installation of Windows 7 64Bit with VC++ 9.0.
I tried everything to get the Source Code compiled but i always get this error:

D:\GAMEDESIGN\CaFu_Engine\Source_27.04.2010>scons -Q
nmake /nologo /f BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=stat
Der Befehl "nmake" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
scons: *** Error 1

I set the Paths to Python/Scons and VC's Binarys (nmake)
PATH=C:\Python26\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin

Think this can be fixed very easily but i just can't figure it out.
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Re: Windows 7 nmake not found

Post by Carsten » 2010-04-27, 22:06

Hi Divinity,

ok, please let me know
  • Which edition of VC++9 are you using? Express Edition? SDK installed?
  • Which version of SCons are you using? (Output of scons -v ?)
  • Which version (revision number) of the source code are you using?
Cross-compiling Cafu on 64-bit Windows (7) with the 32-bit compilers of the VC9 Express Edition has recently been discussed in this thread.

Unfortunately, a newer version of SCons has not been released yet, but let me see if I can summarize for you:
  • You need the latest version of SCons: Please get the version 1.3.0.d20100404, or any future version.
  • Then please do the following:
    Before you run scons at the command line, set SCONS_MSCOMMON_DEBUG to - (hyphen, Minuszeichen), that is, enter

    Code: Select all

    before you run scons. It will output what it is doing at startup (if you replace the "-" by an arbitrary file name, the output will be written into the file instead). Then please post that output here as well.
Depending on the results and your desire to experiment, you can also try out the measures suggested in the other thread above. But if you prefer, we can also discuss the results of the debug output before (this might might require more time, but also fewer changes, and might provide better insight into the cause of the problem).

In general, don't worry, things look more complicated than they are. The situation is somewhat awkward at the moment, but I hope that we can get fixed everything soon! (Also and especially "out-of-the-box"!)
Best regards,
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Re: Windows 7 nmake not found

Post by Carsten » 2010-05-05, 21:30

Update / good news:
A new version of SCons has been released that should fix all problems that have been reported in this thread, and thus everything should now work just as documented.

Please get and install the new version of SCons as described at New SCons release 1.3.0.d20100505 is now available.

If there are still problems with compiling Cafu, please start a new thread or post your follow-up at New SCons release 1.3.0.d20100505 is now available.

Best regards,

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