Databases updated and fixed

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Databases updated and fixed

Post by Carsten » 2013-01-17, 14:45

Hi all,

I upgraded all the databases for our website (mainly for the main contents and the forum) from MySQL 4 to MySQL 5 in the week after the New Year. The upgrades largely went smoothly, except for changes in the character encoding (which did essentially not exist in MySQL 4 and is UTF-8 now), which I eventually got converted correctly, too.

There was a remaining problem that prevented us from saving new forum posts that I was initially not aware of, and that I finally fixed this morning. Thanks to Trevor for his error report via email! :up:

In summary, the website should be completely up and running again, using the most recent editions of MySQL and PHP. If there are any further problems, please let me know, either via forum post or direct email!

Best regards,
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