Employ Slimbox, the successor of the popular Lightbox 2 script, for displaying images.
The purpose of this post is to summarize my related findings:
- It turns out that there is no need for Slimbox, because with the Firenzie theme (that is used on all Ca3D-Engine web pages) already comes Rokzoom, which is in turn a derivative of Slimbox.
- RokZoom is explained and documented in the Firenzie demo pages, see http://demo.rockettheme.com/ or directly http://demo.rockettheme.com/sep07/index ... &Itemid=37
- RokZoom must be enabled in the theme config (Joomla theme manager or directly edit the params.ini file).
- It turns out that Slimbox cannot be used / doesn't work with Firenzie at all, at least not with all features like moomenu enabled. According to "James S!" from the rockettheme.com forums, this is due to a Javascript incompatibility. (Have they developed RokZoom for this reason in the first place??)
Slimbox might work when RokZoom is disabled and suckerfish instead of moomenu is used. (What's about rok_slideshow?) - For Joomla 1.5, there is no Mambot, i.e. the syntax is not available, but direct HTML should work / works. No big issue.
Code: Select all
- The successor of RokZoom seems to be RokBox, but it seems that the only important difference is that RokBox supports more file formats like movies, music, etc.
- Hmmm... RokZoom doesn't fade the website background, and doesn't close when the user clicks in the background (must explicitly click "close (X)" instead) - both is confusing.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Use Slimbox 2, which is based on jQuery instead of mootools, and thus doesn't conflict with mootools - in fact one of the reasons the new Slimbox 2 was written was to avoid conflicts with mootools! - Continued on 2009-02-26, almost four weeks later: It turns out that Slimbox 2, using jQuery, works very well, even in parallel to the mootools that come with Firenzie! Must call jQuery.noConflict(); though, but that's easy, not a problem at all.
- An interesting issue turned up:
When older Internet Explorers (up to and including version 7) are to open an URL that links to an image, they do not display the image in their window, but instead always ask the user whether he wants to save the image or open it with an application. All other browsers (FF, Opera, ...) seem to just display the image in their content windows.
Therefore, phpBB3 implements image links like http://www.ca3d-engine.de/forum/downloa ... &mode=view to directly return the image when the browser is not the Internet Explorer 6, 7 or older, but when it is, they returns a small HTML page that "wraps" the image, in order to even have IE display the image as content, just as the other browsers do.
As however Slimbox(2) can only display images, not HTML, it didn't initially work with IE6 and IE7 with image attachments of this forum. As the special-case treatment of the IE browsers was activated with the mode=view parameter, I simply fixed the issue by disabling the parameter by appending a 0 character in the appropriate style template file.